Sitemap - 2024 - Guerre and Shalom
When Socrates met Yaakov in Yerushalayim
"America is well on the road to becoming an electoral autocracy"
Equality is for all (including Jews)
Canada: The land beyond the rainbow
Xmas special: If He walked among us...
Beyond Chanukah: The Hellenized Jews of Alexandria
Netanyahu: The diaspora demands payback
African Geography: Unintelligent Design
Christmas/Chanukah/Belated Diwali Shopping
The dangerous idea of a United Ireland
The Oxford Union has betrayed British Values
South Korea's Warning for Washington
On the Standard of Opinion Formation
The Palestine marches need to stop
The Liberal Jew is officially homeless
When George III met John Adams
Three legal opinions on International Law
Global Order: The necessary limits of international governance
Beautiful American Democracy. Amazing. The Best.
Maintaining the peace (200th anniversary edition)
A New Declaration of Independence
The psychology of white privilege ideology
Spain: The land that narrative forgot
Mizrachi Renaissance: Disraeli, Aix-en-Provence and how to end Likud rule
Palestinians are human beings. Therefore...
A vindication of the rights of Arab women
The necessary return to idealism
Checkmate! Why the Iranian regime is finished (unless the US saves them)
The Emancipation of the Jews: How high a cost?
Christianity 2.0? The return of the end timers in the face of Rome
The nefarious Soviet legacy on the Middle East and Western culture
UN Judgment Day: The prophet will return to rebuke the nations
Which system is really more democratic? Proportional Representation vs. First Past The Post
Particular or universal? On the necessity of meaning through narrative
Democracy cannot survive in a world that accepts lies as truth
Orwellian Utopia: On non-tribal politics and the search for the truth
There is no such thing as political murder....only criminal murder
Israel as the utilitarian scapegoat
A democratic State for the Spaniards. A Spanish State for the Brits.
Why Israel MUST retain control of the Philadelphia Corridor to achieve peace
In praise of the British Empire for abolishing slavery worldwide
The problem with interfaith dialogue
Gaullist chutzpah: Leadership through the power of language
"We won the election" & other myths about democracy
THE UNITED NATIONS: An abomination
Kalief Browder: An American moral hero
Men's tennis is better! (in my opinion)
"I'm not interested in politics"
The Case against Proportional Representation (revisited)
Selling Power, Not Buying Safety: America's Foreign Policy Vibe
Liberal Democracy under Threat: A Section 1 Conversation
Imperfect Good v Absolute Evil: A visual guide
A reflection on anti-Chinese racism in Spain
I think, therefore I'm sceptical: A (non-pretentious) critique of modernist metaphysics
“I’d prefer that you talk about me”
Declaring War on Post-modernism
My manifesto for the Conservative Party
Iran: The moral imperative for the regime to fall
Climate change: Revenge of the monotheists
Eurovision: The day the elites fell
My Herzl-esque fear for the Muslims of Europe
The intergenerational crisis that dare not speak its name
Reaffirming John Locke. Relegitimising Australia. Re-revising history.
Was it because there were no graves in England that you brought us to Spain to die?
Sir John Curtice: The Model Academic
The General Theory of Antisemitism
Scotland's hateful new law on hate
Field of Fire: Fifty Years in Middle East Studies
Happy Ramadan: An outbreak of peace in Jerusalem
Deconstructing the right of self-determination
The Myth of the Crusading Zionists
The Empire hiding in plain sight (revisited)
Truth: The first casualty of war. Democracy: The first casualty of the war on truth.
Persia: Over 2000 years of female oppression & female courage
Why no world problems are intractable
Indian wisdom for a broken Middle East
Exodus denied: The rejection of freedom
How the minimum wage destroyed my professional life
Ding, Dong: The Sturg has gone!
The case against Proportional Representation
Incredible honesty from a brave Palestinian
Political Power and the Prophet
The official United Nations dictionary
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave
I call for a permanent resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The Rabbinical "judicial coup"
Why aren’t I good at table tennis?
Is there such a thing as Customary International Law?
Judicial Pioneers: Gascoigne of England; Sebutinde of Uganda
The world's daftest question: Are you "pro-Palestine" or "pro-Israel"?
The morality of asking for a paid subscription
And so the national story begins...
Lived experience: Do I have the right to speak?
South African mayor reports from Xingjiang!
Genocide: criminal misuse of the ultimate horror
Gandhi, the Lancastrians & the Exodus of the Egyptians
Is education a force for good?