In this latest podcast from Section 1, our President Peter Biro sets out his liberal democratic case passionately. He argues that “America is well on the road to becoming an electoral autocracy”. Donald Trump may be “the poster child”, but in Peter’s view, his election is merely indicative of processes taking effect throughout the liberal democratic world whereby previously sacrosanct institutions are under fire and the spiral towards electoral autocracy is in full swing. Gatekeepers are being swept away, millions from social media moguls can “buy elections” and essential safeguards are being removed.
But though we may wish to blame power-hungry individuals (“every society has its wannabe autocrats”), the roots for the current impasse lies firmly with the citizenry who let it happen. Peter sees the People as being complicit with the current decline in democratic conventions. For though liberal democracy may be enshrined in laws and Constitutions, its true strength derives from its inscription in the minds and hearts of those it serves. Shorn of this passionate, popular attachment, liberal democracy loses its lustre and we are left with an uncertain future.
There are many who would question Peter’s thesis on the basis that the liberal democratic elites have become hostage to far-left ideologies and what Israeli liberal (and Guerre & Shalom contributor) Dr Einat Wilf rightly describes as Palestinianism. But though this isn’t the subject of this podcast, you can rest assured that Peter and the Section 1 team are equally aghast at far-left antisemitism and activism which sacrifices truth for a narrow view of “justice”. This isn't a race to the bottom competition between Trumpism and far-leftism: both are condemnable; and although certain Trumpian foreign policy objectives have the potential to be beneficial, they come at the expense of having a robust, professional civil service which places loyalty to the nation over fealty to a particular President.
If you disagree with Peter from either the left or the right, feel free to submit an article which I am happy to publish. At Guerre and Shalom - and Section 1- we support peaceful, democratic debate. We just wish for a world where everyone else does too.
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To purchase Peter's new book The Notwithstanding Clause and the Canadian Charter: Rights, Reforms, and Controversies, press the link below. This work has made The Hill Time's Top 100 Books in 2024.
"The most comprehensive study of the Notwithstanding Clause – diverse voices examine a controversial clause of the Canadian Charter – a must-read for anyone interested in human rights, democracy and the future of Canada”
The Hon. Justice Nathalie Des Rosiers, Ontario Superior Court of Justice
To purchase Einat's book War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace, press the link below.
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